Secretary of the Army visit to Fort Polk 1999 prior to Chlorine gas explosion

.Chlorine Valve Well

Fort Polk has also been a base where many family members have sustained injuries. It’s in a remote location and it takes about an hour to get to a bigger place in every direction so it often creates an insulated environment. This semi-isolated environment creates a lot of potential for abuse in which injuries or shady happenings in and out of the small area are not reported to the Department of the Army. While stationed there and in the last year in 1999; I sustained a Chlorine gas injury from a chlorine valve that exploded as I was walking my dogs. The housing area had to be evacuated. It later turns out that the mayor owns a water company and pipes for many years in the housing were running muddy like water in the kitchen and housing showers. One would have to let the water run for a while before it could run clear. Well, this in my opinion was then a source of profit and extra income for those running the commercial water trucks that brought clean water inside the base for those having to buy clean water. Housing area leaders reported that the chlorine valve alarm was running off many times but turned off and the problem never corrected appropriately until myself and many other families nearby without having any warning for base paper never covered alarm situation, many of us suffered burns and chlorine gas exposure when the chlorine gas valve exploded. I have to sincerely post this for many of us never got compensated and blown off when we tried to go for medical care and even today claim that info not on files but everyone has a copy of their records. To this day costly to purchase supplements , costs in clean living conditions environment adjustments etc., yet the military says all allergic Rhinitis nothing else.  While trying to get  medical care for all these years got nothing but disregard and taken advantage off with them using statute of limitations which I would like to challenge . Other info. pending due to sensitive nature. I recently ran into a couple retiring here and the people running Fort Polk are still going about business as usual and make it uncomfortable for family members so I needed to report this other side of Fort Polk. For as long as things do not get reported nor those taking responsibilities when family members get injured but bury problems under the carpet that place will not change. Single soldiers may fair better but the stories there for families are almost like a very bad dream.  To close, when the secretary of the army came to visit I was asked to leave meeting for they did not want anyone to raise their hand or tell the secretary of the army that that base needed some more scrutiny or extra care for families for since isolated many shady happenings were occurring and also many single soldiers committing suicide almost one or two or more per year while we were stationed there and very unusual in my opinion. Enclosed is proof and my ticket that I had to attend the secretary of the army visit event but not allowed to attend but escorted out. I guess they did not wish to jeopardize the ability at further profits for the establishment. They violated my constitutional rights for their benefit and maybe not applicable but they had two Mp’s asking me to leave and not allowing me to speak or attend that secretary of army meeting copy of ticket enclosed. These cover-ups are what later lead to injuries and base problems status quo.  To think that a month or two after this secretary of the army visit the chlorine gas valve exploded injuring me and perhaps this could have been avoided if allowed to speak and voice my opinion for the Department of the Army to take better care of military families being stationed at Fort Polk. Enclosed are some pictures to show course of events. One has to question why is it that many military bases have been poorly ran, others with toxins like Camp Lejuene prior water system and so does so many other parts of American lives over the years under constant environmental and psychological assaults via constant never ending of wars, dwindling economies and eroding daily liberties.  What country are we becoming? One in which Cronyism for cash flow for special interests and by moving people count numbers around states to boost spending yet not really creating a real functional economy were one creates tangible products and services? Our creator will see that these individuals face justice.   Our current Managed trade by World Trade Organization (WTO) is nothing more than the transfer of US wealth and prosperity to China to destroy America while our families and citizens suffer. Sad to see leaders resorting to violating women’s rights in order to continue to boost economies for special interests and cronies placing themselves in highly paid government jobs at the expense of others.  No further abuse or disregard will be tolerated. America must ensure that it keeps its second Amendment or we stand to be sitting ducks to predators worldwide. Fort